
香港 Beyond Cars 重塑品牌為 Carro, 正式加入 Carro 集團,全面提升,力求登上新高峰

  • 香港客戶現在可以在 上購買、出售和寄賣車輛
  • 香港業務將會利用 Carro 的專有科技和 AI 實力來改善定價、庫存管理和檢查流程
  • 香港 Carro 將會專注於加速擴大市場份額,並開發二手電動車市場

beyond cars更名為 carro

香港,2024 年 6 月 24 日 – Carro 很高興地宣佈對 Beyond Cars 進行變革性的品牌重塑,推出全新網站介面、品牌商標和形象標誌。全亞太區最大及營利最高的網上二手車平台於三月宣佈收購香港領先二手車平台之一 Beyond Cars 後,今日對品牌進行了重塑。

最初的品牌重塑工作包括全新網站 (,加入了 Carro 標誌性的橙色,以及更新了標誌和品牌指引。全新網站將會為客戶簡化購買、銷售及寄賣的流程,並讓客戶能夠直接溝通,預約看車。

此次品牌重塑亦會在背後帶來變革性的改變,香港將會利用 Carro 現有的豐富數據智能、機器學習能力和內部業務工具,並在其定價、庫存管理和檢查流程中大量採用專有技術和人工智能能力。

「香港人很快便能在二手汽車買賣擁有全新的體驗。」香港行政總裁余家煒說。「我們非常高興能夠提升與改善香港現有二手汽車市場的環境,並改變大眾對擁有及駕駛優質二手車的看法。憑藉 Carro 精湛熟練的科技和技術知識,以及我們對本地市場的深入了解,深信我們能夠為一眾尋求優質二手車的客戶帶來更輕鬆的車主體驗和更好的價值。」

香港強勁的電動車 (EV) 市場環境和 Carro 與全球電動車生產商的密切關係,亦使其在二手電動車市場上擁有優勢,成為市場領導者。Carro 會利用這個機會來加強其現有的定價演算法、檢查和服務流程,以及其電動車端對端解決方案。

說:「團隊已經準備好推動 Carro 的未來策略願景,繼續透過不斷創新為客戶提供優質、個人化及全方位的買賣車體驗,從而加速我們的增長。」

作為品牌重塑之旅的一部分,Carro 亦將會致力於在香港建立保險科技、融資及售後服務等附屬服務。

於 2016 年創立,Beyond Cars 已發展成為一個生態系統,為想要購買或出售車輛的客戶們提供端對端服務,包括寄賣服務、經銷商融資、分期付款融資和保險服務。該公司已連續三年盈利,加入 Carro 集團後,期望在未來三年內會加速增長,預計年複合增長率 (CAGR) 將超過 50%。 上瀏覽 Carro Hong Kong,或造訪香港尖沙咀東科學館道一號康宏廣場 1A 的展示廳。


Beyond Cars in Hong Kong rebrands to Carro, officially integrates into Carro Group in transformative journey

  • Customers in Hong Kong can now buy, sell and consign cars on 
  • Operations in Hong Kong to leverage Carro’s technologies and AI capabilities across pricing, inventory management, and inspection processes
  • Carro Hong Kong to focus on accelerating its market share and grow the second hand EV market  


Hong Kong, 24 June 2024 –  Carro is thrilled to announce its transformative rebranding of Beyond Cars, unveiling a new website interface, logo and signage. This move comes after Southeast Asia’s largest and most profitable online used car platform announced its acquisition of Beyond Cars, one of Hong Kong’s leading used car platforms earlier in March. 

Initial rebranding efforts include a brand new website ( incorporating Carro’s signature orange, as well as updates to signages and brand guidelines. The brand new website will streamline the buying, selling and consignment process for the customer, allowing the customers to directly communicate and make viewing appointments. 

The rebranding will also see transformative changes behind the scenes, as Hong Kong taps into Carro’s existing wealth of data intelligence, machine learning capabilities, and internal business tools, as well as heavily leverages proprietary technologies and AI capabilities across its pricing, inventory management, and inspection process.

“Hong Kongers can look forward to a brand new experience soon, “says Hong Kong CEO Garry Yu. “We’re excited to be a changemaker in the used car market scene, and to transform the sentiment around owning and driving a quality used car. With Carro’s sophisticated technology and technical expertise, coupled with our own deep understanding of the local market, we’re confident that we can bring even better value to our customers who are looking for a quality used car and fuss-free ownership experience.” 

Hong Kong’s robust electric vehicle (EV) landscape and Carro’s strong relationship with global EV manufacturers also places it in a unique position of being a market leader in pre-owned EVs. Carro will take this opportunity to enhance its existing pricing algorithms, inspection and servicing processes as well as its end-to-end solutions for EVs.  

“We’re ready to drive Carro’s strategic vision for the future, as we continue to focus on accelerating our growth through constant innovation and a bespoke customer-centric lifecycle,” says Yu.  

Carro will also work towards building up ancillary services across insurtech, financing and aftersales in Hong Kong as part of the rebranding journey. 

Founded in 2016, Beyond Cars has grown to become an ecosystem providing an end-to-end journey for those looking to buy or sell their cars, complete with consignment services, dealer financing, hire-purchase financing and insurance services. The company has been profitable for 3 years, and now within the Carro Group, it is looking to accelerate its growth, with an expected >50% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), in the next 3 years. 

Visit Carro Hong Kong at or drop by the showroom at 1A Concordia Plaza, 1 Science Museum Road.  


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